After writing a thesis or essay, when it comes to revising that document many people get confused in between editing Vs proofreading. They think that both are the same and proofreading is only for authors and they don’t have to do it. But it is not true because your thesis is going to be published and many people will be reading it and you don’t want to give the readers a hard time.
This is why we are here to tell you the difference between editing Vs proofreading.
Editing vs Proofreading: Enhancing Your Content
When it comes to refining your written work, the distinction between editing vs proofreading is crucial. Both are vital stages in the writing process, yet they serve distinct purposes, each contributing to the overall quality of your content. Understanding the nuances between editing vs proofreading can significantly enhance the clarity, coherence, and professionalism of your writing.
When you are done writing your document the next thing you do is edit it, you want to see if there is any grammatical error in your sentence or is the sentence conveying the meaning of what you actually want to deliver. Basically editing Vs proofreading is the process where you look for in-depth errors like adding some lively words or deleting some unnecessary words to make the writing and rhythm of the document more smooth and effective.
Following are some of the things which you can keep in mind while editing your document.
- Use formal words in your document like ‘communication’ instead of ‘chat’ or ‘appear’ instead of ‘seem’ which conveys that you are serious and sincere about your work and can get you a good first impression on your audiences
- Don’t overwrite your document, write only what is necessary, when you add things that are not precise to your topic trust me not only you are burdening yourself more, you are also giving a hard time to your reader as well.
- The same thing goes for underwriting, you should at least give detailed information like what the topic is about and what your understanding and viewpoint is.
- The structure is very important; it will give the audience clarity of what is inside the document.
Proofreading occurs at the final stage of revising a thesis or essay and focuses primarily on grammar, punctuation, formatting, and spelling. When you are ready to publish your document, you either have a professional proofread it or proofread it yourself. But we recommend going for a professional proofreader or agency like Academic Guru because there are mistakes which you might not be able to catch whereas professionals can.
Editing vs Proofreading, rather than going deep, focuses on mistakes which are on the surface which can be seen by glimpse of an eye.
We will tell you some techniques by which you can proofread your document by yourself.
Techniques for proofreading your document by yourself
- First you should take a break of at least one night. If you start proofreading right after editing your document you won’t be able to find errors. This is because your brain would only see what it wants to see rather than finding errors.
- Spelling and grammar checker might come handy at times like this but you don’t want to totally depend on them as they might not be able to grasp some mistake like; you want to write ‘except’ but you have written it as ‘accept’ now the spelling checker won’t be able to find this error as both are right
- There are also some technical words or terminologies which are not in the checker’s dictionary and result in error. This is why it is important to not totally rely on softwares like these and check it by yourself also.
- Avoid all your distractions like TV, mobile, laptop etc. at time of proofreading.
- Proofread with a hard copy of that document, you can efficiently proofread this way.
- Understand what are some regular mistakes you tend to make, jot them down and look for it in the document
- Proofread one line at a time, don’t go for paragraphs.
- Don’t go for all errors at once; instead go one by one. First look for spelling then grammar then punctuations.
- While we proofread words we do not look for errors in numbers which is a big mistake. If you are quoting some sentence of history and you have written the year ‘1672’ instead of ‘1726’ then you would be in big trouble.
- When you are not able to concentrate, read it backward. I know it sounds weird but it is really effective. When you read it backward you tend to concentrate on every word.
- If you find it difficult to read by yourself, ask someone to read it for you and listen to it. By listening you will be able to understand more clearly what you have written.
- After correcting all errors, reading it again, only one time is not enough.
Here some tools and softwares which will help you in editing Vs proofreading by yourself
- Grammarly
- Hemingway App
- Scrivener
- Cliché Finder
- After The Deadline
- Ginger Software
- Microsoft Word
- WhiteSmoke
- SlickWrite
These softwares will help you but always remember what a human can do a machine is not capable of doing so don’t rely on them.
Now that we know the difference between editing Vs proofreading. We should also know this is an essential task and can be a big burden. This is why we are here to serve you. At academic guru we provide all services related to editing and proofreading along with thesis and academic writing and plagiarism-free research paper, we are one-stop solution for all your worries. Do check out our other blogs in case you haven’t.