Hey scholar, bit confused about what is PhD Synopsis? So, in simple and easy-to-understand language PhD Synopsis generally means the predetermined plan of your research. It also acts as a blueprint for your Ph.D. research. It provides you an idea of how to make a research paper and what all things you should keep in mind while making your research paper.
Format of PhD Synopsis
When creating a PhD synopsis, divide it into three essential parts. The Cover Page, also known as the facing page, should feature the title of your thesis, your name, your department, and the month and year of submission. It is important to print this page on high-quality paper, such as plastic-coated paper, to ensure a professional appearance. The Inner Cover Page mirrors the information on the cover page but is printed on standard A4 bond paper. Content – while creating a synopsis of a Ph.D. it is very important to follow the proper format.
The following is the layout of PhD synopsis
Introduction – your introduction should contain a brief background of your topic and should reflect what your research is all about. It should clearly state the purpose of your research and should catch the attention of the reader. By reading the introduction the reader must get an idea about your research. Literature review – in the literature review you need to write about previous researches with the title and author of the research in the context of your research title. Research methodology – under this you need to mention the source from which you have collected your data. Generally, there are two sources i.e. primary data collection, and secondary data collection. In primary data collection, you collect the information by yourself in the form of a questionnaire, personal interview, and telephonic interview. Whereas, in the secondary method of data collection you collect data from various journals, newspapers, internet, magazines, etc.Data analysis and Interpretation – under this you need to mention the data you have collected and then you need to analyze it using a suitable statistical tool. After analyzing it you need to interpret the data in your language. Conclusion – under this head you need to give a solution to your research problem or in other words you need to conclude your research.
General instructions for Ph.D. Synopsis
The synopsis of the Ph.D. should be 30-40 pages.
Synopsis of a Ph.D. thesis should be printed on A4 size good quality white paper.
Spacing between letters should be 1 ½.
A proper Ph.D. synopsis format should be followed.
So, your wait is now over, and you also gained enough knowledge about Ph.D. Synopsis. So the researcher, get ready and create the best research paper which is an effective up-gradation to your career.